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Day 150 - Oct 20- Boston

We have already been here and now we are a back again where we were before so today should be the same except for the parts that are different.

**** Issue of the Day ****

Our beloved and very much needed band humans found themselves on the wrong side of a seven car pile up between NYC and the gig. The ensuing traffic jam left them far away as we anxiously awaited. Fortunately they were arrived in time to rock but not in time enough to play on time. The upside of the event was that Mars Volta played an extended set for us to enjoy.

Another upside was that Lampi Scott and I were left with way too much extra time on our hands to concoct mischievous plans.

**** End Issue of the Day ****

During that spare time we decided to dedicate our time wisely and contrive a grand master plan to solve all of our earthly problems. Well, at least some of the earthly issues or most accurately, one. Without question our unanimous vote of two resulted in addressing our most pressing trauma; "How are we going to finance the redecoration of the FOH mix world?" Hmmmm, primarily we will need cash, and lots of it, I figure five's and five's of dollars at least. Acquiring that kind of bankroll will be a challenge indeed. Shall we pan handle? Pick pockets? Sell our bodies? There must be a way we can easily and quickly generate the finances for this endeavor. Aha! Sell our bodies, perfect! And it was then we committed to do what any entrepreneurial 21st century roadie would do in this situation:

Aghast we were soon to realize that there was a serious flaw to our plan and after several minutes with no bites we began to rethink our strategy, yes people were seeing our ad for ad space:

But no takers. Argh! And that is when it dawned us, we need a bigger audience, we need go public, we need to, yes that is correct, go to Ebay.

Our Ad

And so a new adventure begins.

The curious as to what happens next.

Dave Rat

Day 149 - October 19, Boston - Day Off

OK, today rocked just like yesterday! And who wants to hear tales of adventures to far away lands? Gather round for completely fictitious tale of:

**** Two Roadies Venturing ****

Once upon a time in a land far far away two great warrior roadies

bravely ventured off into the foreboding landscape drawn to the towering power of Mount Fuji.

The journey in which these roadies found themselves immersed took unsuspecting twists and turns that neither would soon forget. As they disconnected step by step and with each train ride farther up the mystical mountain their inner roadie began to emerge, with the help of a few Sapporo's of course

With their sights set upon spending the next three days in an authentic Japanese bath house, and these two particular roadies being of a western species, they were not quite sure what to expect. Apprehensions were raised early on when it was discovered that western roadies and other humans with certain colorings on their fur, often called tattoo's, are banned from entering public pools of water in many places throughout Japan. Roadie Dave Rat had experienced this several times previously at hotel pools much to his surprise. Roadie Scott lacks those particular markings but both still had the issue of being a western species to deal with.

For reasons unknown Roadie Rat had shorn all fur from his head with a face razor. Perplexing as it may seem, even to him as to where the inspiration originated, what was clear was that choosing 3 AM to do the shearing with a single razor was without question, less than optimum. Though no photo exists of roadie Rat with a half shaven head at the front desk of a Japanese hotel asking for more face razors, I am sure your mental eye can conjure up an image.

Upon arriving, the roadies were immediately instructed to shed their western attire and camouflage themselves as the local species, knowing all to well that Godzilla most likely lives nearby, the fierce roadies humbly obliged.

It was upon discovery of the peaceful steam that the clarity of the journey became distinct and roadie Rat has found what he was seeking, unfortunately he also immediately forget what it was.

What remained though was a mystical power over animals as roadie Rat displays here by gently picking up a wild pigeon for a kiss

One may wonder what would motivate two straight male roadies to venture to a secluded Japanese bath house together. One may also wonder what is to be seen in the bath house. Well if you look carefully below you can notice the edge of a very old solid copper tub with water so clear it appears empty. Also notice the wooden floors and hand made buckets, this was truly an awe inspiring location.

Returning to the tour was a tough re acclimation for the two roadies but spending those quality three days together really brought them closer together than ever.

**** End Two Roadies Venturing****

The still attempting to poke that last image out of my mental eye,

Dave Rat

Day 147 - 148, Oct 17 and 18 - New Jersey - The Meadowlands Shows

Video shoot for the song Snow, the only real 'New York' area shows booked and the start up of the third US leg. All three combine to make a mind ache of being pulled in all directions. Each tour leg starts up with bits of refinement, maintenance and acclimation. Each tour leg we lose a roadie or two to some outside force or inside shift though the multi-tour roadies are all intact. Simply put, there is a whole lot of stuff going on and it is taking all my focus not get flustered and I can see I am not alone in that.

**** Sound Nerd Speak ****

I did a re tune on the PA today and actually flattened all the house EQ's and started fresh. I try not to do that as it means I have drifted, over time, away from from the sound I am looking for, I was not far off but enough that a fresh start was easier than trying to clean up. Some sound engineers come into each show and tune every day, I don't do that (anymore). I have found that if I pay carefully attention to the initial setup, I can fine tune for the room to room variations quite easily without losing the overall system EQ or altering my input EQ's. The way I go about system EQ is thus:

1) The EQ's on the sound console's inputs are to be used only to achieve the desired sound from the instrument/mic combination. Since the mics are the same every day and the band gear is the same everyday, I leave the EQ's on the sound console almost always exactly the same regardless of whether we play a stadium, arena or club show. The only time I should need to change input EQ's is if we change a mic type for some reason or there is a change in the backline's gear.

2) The system EQ's are to be used to achieve the desired sound from the PA system/venue combination. This is where the changes from room to room occur and for this duty I use two EQ's in series that divide it up one step further. One set of EQ's, the graphics, corrects for issues like room resonance's in the various rooms. The other set, the parametric's, are used to shape the tone of the system and gives me the ability to make the PA sound more Hi-Fi or warm and smooth etc.

All together the system EQ's and the channel EQ's create a sonic footprint that, if all goes as I attempt, forms a certain sound feel for the tour. I do my best to hold this 'sonic footprint' which is modeled after the album sound, together for the duration of the world tour. Worldwide sonic consistency is the goal.

Well, back to the re-EQ. I did a two step process and utilizing the advantage of having the dual PA system, I re-EQ' ed the inner system and left the outer as a comparative reference to assure improvement without losing the sonic theme. Now if I was a fan of digital EQ's, I could save the EQ curves and compare, but I am sticking with analog for now so I get to jump through some extra hoops. The outcome was all good, subtle difference but good. And not unlike fine tuning a race car, it will take some time to further refine and if all goes well, I hope to hold it together as long as the last one. Which was created in Barcelona.

**** End Sound Nerd Speak ****

So for the Snow video, guess what special treat we got? That's right, snow! Oh, the venue skies filled with the wintery motion of billowing snow flakes:

With thoughts of snow ball fights and snowmen filling our minds, roadie Scott and I soon discovered much to our dismay that the snow was not snow at all but in fact just little squares of tissue paper. Here we can observe roadie Scott clearing a small tissue-drift from his lampi control surface.

The jacketless in a snowstorm,

Dave Rat

Day 146 Fly to New Jersey

The Airport

Well alright, welcome to the airport, yes I have my boarding pass, no I have no gels or liquids, yes I have my ID, 2 bags to check. Not only that, I would like you to know that I am already prepared to make sure my seat back is fully in the upright position for take off and landing. This is important because we all know that when a jet plummets into the earth at 600 miles an hour, having that seat 2 inches farther into the most uncomfortable upright position will clearly be the key to survival. In fact, I am surprised that the tens and tens of post plane crash survivors don't get together each year and celebrate how lucky they were to have their seat so far forward as their airplane splattered into a fireball of jet fuel.

Since inadvertently leaving a cell phone, GameBoy or iPod powered up is capable of screwing with the airplane's ability to avoid falling out of the sky, I am fully comforted now by the precautionary 'seat forward' and 'no toothpaste' measures taken. As many have told me to have a safe flight over the years, I come fully prepared to do my part by occupying my seat at the proper angle.

As long as someone, somewhere is having a good laugh at the 100,000 or so humans a day immersed in the ludicrous belief that somehow these funny little games truly matter, I am all good with playing along.

The Plane

I can honestly say that the plane flight sucked, but not for me. When the initial announcement that there are three bathrooms on the plane but one was not operational, I am thinking, no biggie. Then when they said that he broken bathroom was in the main cabin and FAA rules state that 'main cabin humans' can not venture into the front of the plane where the other working bathroom is, I began to think that it may turn into an issue. The second announcement that screeched through was; "I am sorry to say that we will be experiencing turbulence for a good portion of the flight and the seat belt sign will be on shortly, so take that into account if you need to use the restroom." Then the line to the restroom grew and grew till it was half way up the plane at which point the plane began bouncing all over the place and we were graced with announcement number three "I apologize but we are hitting the rough air earlier than expected. Please take your seat immediately." Nothing like a plane full of urine loaded passengers bouncing around in rough air to spread the joy.

Fortunately, in an flash of preemptive brilliance I had previously remembered not to forget and I had used powers within my grasp to arrange a front cabin seat several weeks ago. So the misery of the flight only effected me only in the form of compassion for the down trodden. Further fortunate-ness occurred in the form of my fellow roadies all being on other flights and missing the aerial leg crossed roller coaster.

The Hotel

Upon arriving at the hotel, 10:45 pm, I proceed to stand at the front desk looking like an idiot, feeling perplexingly anxious and wanting my room as I watch Mr. Annoying and Miss Snailpace effortlessly ignore me for a full 12 minutes. Finally snapping, and grindingly ask for my room key which he whisks out in a single motion from the little alphabet box. Off to my room and starving. Mind blurring dizzy hungry as I listen to ring after ring after ring of the unanswered room service phone. Oh look! It is 10:58 and quick call to the "Service Promise Help Desk" confirms the expected. I am sorry sir, room service just closed at 11PM. But, but .... Ah forget it, is there anywhere to eat? Valerie was a sweetheart and actually spent 20 minutes seeking out an open place that delivers. Many thank you's and click.

The Meal

Pizza is like dog food for roadies and the pizza box it just a glorified doggy dish. And whom amongst us does not at sometime envy a dog's life? If I had a tail I wonder if it would be wagging right now.

The End

The promising to bring a bit happiness and cheer in some form or another tomorrow,

Dave Rat

Day 145 Night Before Fly to US Leg 3

Combo clean the house and pack for tour day. One of the mini projects is to toss left over foreign cash in the cash baggie box. Don't under estimate the happiness of showing up in each country with enough money for coffee and some food with out hunting for a cash machine:

**** Begin Mind Spiral ****

In the midst I ran around with a mild mental meltdown for several hours realizing my wallet had escaped me. Starting the tour knocked off balance and wallet-less was not high on my list of adventures. Fortunately, the wallet decided to return on it's own accord and hide in my backpack right where I put it yesterday. Bad wallet, no more hiding from Dave. As a somewhat reformed "lose everything aholic" I am both mentally durable enough to deal with losing just about anything while also fully in tune with the impacts associated with each specific loss.

Anyway, even now with the vanishing wallet gloom cloud illusion lifted, my mind still resonates with echo's of my past mishaps. Looking backwards into my past it still amazes me how my perception is so entirely biased by my present state of mind. And again I think of water. Swimming in a flowing river of water and when thing are going well in my world it is a wonderful day as I float on top and see clearly the sunshine in all directions. The trees on the river banks float by like a movie. Speeding and slowing in the winding current. My work is to swim up or down stream and around the obstacles. Then, when I take the river for granted, snoozing through the rapids or not paying enough attention to swim around a whirlpool. I find myself submersed , struggling for air, vision blurred in the thick panic drown. The cinema of trees is now just silvery flashes of distant light and deeper is darker and everywhere I look into my past and future all I can see is confusion and I become fully connected with all my past traumas and every bad idea I have ever had. As if my life has always been this way as I can see nothing else. And at some point I inadvertently float in the right direction or clear my mind enough to end up at the surface again. With the gasp of fresh air happiness returns and hey, look around, trees and sunshine and furry critters rather than slippery ones and how silly was I to think my life ever was full of blurry confusion.

.**** End Mind Spiral ****

Good night and tomorrow we fly to Boston and start up another three week US tour, hey, lets go do rock shows!

The smiling at the thought of not having to clean up the house while I live in hotel rooms,

Dave Rat

Day 133 - 145 Oct 3 - Oct 15, Fly home and Break Time

Once upon a time there were two old friends, both the same age as I. One desired to live and for reasons beyond his control, his body blew out and his life jumped away. The other friend has choosen spend his life dimantling his own body with drugs and collapsing the trust and friendships of those that surround him. I saw them both today. One in spirit and the other showed up a harrowing shell of the shining eyes I once knew.

And here is a picture from Hatter's memorial:

The immersed in a hopefully open eyed balance,

Dave Rat

Day 132 - Oct 2 - Boston Show Day

Quebec in all it's less than optimum-ness loaded out in an hour and 50 minutes. I hear that is one of the fastest load outs yet. Very cool and in the face of challenge, inspiration and motivation so often prevail.

**** Highlight of the Day ****

Today there were two highlights and they both came from JF.

First we have the ear to ear smiles of John playing the song "Your Pussy is Glued to a Building on Fire" from the roadies that have been around since Californication. Things have changed a lot since then and YPGTABOF brings back wonderful memories and realizations of the long road traveled.

Secondly, a huge and heartfelt "thank you" from JF to the road crew was really cool. On a tour of this size, even for the lengths of time we travel, meeting everyone is tough and with the work schedules and mixed with times that the band is at the gig, there are quite a few people with us that have little or no exposure to the band. The public appreciation is cool.

**** End Highlight of the Day ****


**** Issue of the Day ****

Man Down. Or more like "Soundman Down"

About a week ago soundman roadie Ronnie, phoned me and informed me that another friend roadie Hatter, is in the hospital. He had gone to he doctor for back pains and after a week or so of no improvement from pain killers, was scanned to find inflamed lymph nodes. Blood test showed cancer and he was admitted. Two weeks later he was dead. Surreal shock and perplexing confusion of exactly to react to something so unexpected. Distant and removed as it has been a while since I have seen him yet so close to home as it seems so natural that we would be crossing paths at another rock show that will never happen.

The observing,

Dave Rat

Day 131 - Oct 1 - Quebec City Show Day

See our happy little guy, at 75 degrees and 49% humidity we are pretty well set thermally for the gig though I would not complain if I could get another 5 degrees and over 65%.

I was able to grab a couple load out shots that give a bit better representation of the precarious nature of fork lift ramp loading.

Pretty much the main thing you want to avoid is having the forklift run over your foot. That and being crushed by a run away case is also a good thing to avoid.

As the end of the tour leg nears, the anticipation and acceleration of the state of mind of being home seems to take over. Counting down the days and one more to go!

**** Completely Unrelated Gratuitous Filler ****

Since Canada is really far from Australia, what better time to consider the Kangaroo.

**** End Unrelated Gratuitous Filler ****

The slow motion

Dave Rat