Day 76 to 78, Fly Home and 3 days off!
Aug 7- 9
I have now reached the point where being home is the perfect harmonious blend of the appreciation of relaxation mixed with scrambling to maintain some form of structure in my seemingly collapsing life. The AC unit now leaks water in the house, black widow spiders are only outnumbered by the crickets in my back yard and anything resembling plant life has taken on a brownish tinge. Tour life on the other hand has become fluid and fairly effortless, all I need to do is make sure I pack all the right stuff and get out the door in time to catch the plane and I will be home free, literally, for the next three weeks.
This trip I am going to go once again with a three bag system consisting of a backpack/carry on, a small roller and a large roller with handles forming the push me-pull you method of self relocation. I remain convinced that it is the most efficient method for a human to interface with the planes, trains and automobiles. Packing for a solid 12 days so I should be able to do just a single mid tour laundry day barring any unforeseen mishaps. I have also added a collapsible fishing pole, a skateboard and drastically altered the pants to shorts ratio, gambling on warm weather, smooth floors and inhabited bodies of water in the near vicinity of wherever I end up being.
Oh, in a sudden and unexpected rush of generosity I donated the charger and battery belonging to my small camera to the hotel in Japan. Though I am sure I must have had a good reason for doing so at the time, I am beginning to question the sensibility of the choice. Anyway, it turns out that my little camera worked much better when the battery was less than 6000 miles away and hence you may have noticed and I apologize that my picture taking ability has been somewhat curtailed.
So that visual boredom does not set in and hopefully you will find this as amusing I find it embarrassing, here is a picture of me when I was 19 years old sitting on the first PA system that Brian and I built. Of special note is, of course, the very cool vintage Rat shirt with my name on it.
The often forgetful
Dave Rat