the touring experience of Rat Sound and its expert
staff, the installation department offers its customers
a unique performance driven alternate to live sound,
video and lighting systems solutions that rival arena
concert productions. The department's services include
design, consulting, documentation, project management
and on-site installation.
Rat Sound
Systems Installation Department provides both
design/build and bid/build services for a national
customer base including houses of worship, performance
venues, athletic facilities and educational
For more
information you can contact the Installation Department
at 805-383-0777, Toll Free at 1-888-545-8271 or
Email the Rat installation department

LA Weekly -
June 2015 - LA's
50 Best Music Venues - The Top 2 (amongst others)
are both Rat Installs mentioned for great sound.
Pro Sound News
- June 2015 -
The Iconic Troubadour Modernizes Loudspeaker System.
Los Angeles Times
- May 2015 Top 30
So Cal Music Venues - Includes the Hollywood
Forever, Masonic Lodge and The Troubadour's
"Excellent Sound System"
Rat Sound installs K2 at Fred Kavli Theatre and ARCS
WIFO at Scherr Forum Theatre Thousand Oaks, Civic
Arts Plaza.
OC Register
- November 2011 -
Galaxy Theatre makes Big Changes.
Pro Sound Web
- October 2009
Rat Sound Implements New System Headed By
L-Acoustics For Fox Theater Pomona.

PM1D/PM5D Certification
Renkus Heinz ICONYX Certification
Chief Manufacturing Certified Partner
JBL Vertec Certified
BSS London Certified
CTS Certified
Symetrix Symnet
(State Contractors Licensing Board)