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Day 55 - London - Earl's Court Show Day #3

In order to reduce the likelyhood of a show stopping beer cup bomb, Nick and I have obtained some high quality mixing towels and placed them upon the console. They theoretically should absorb and reduce damage from a direct hit from an incoming liquid bomb. They will not protect from airborne humans. May to my glee, I also discovered that I can actually mix through them. The faint glow of the lights below combined with the creases I formed in the towels around the EQ section are good enough to find everything I need to get to. Plus I can turn the knobs right through the towel so I am good to go and mix the show towels in place.

Now either I am really figuring this room out or I am just getting used to it or the band/audience combo has just really hit a stride or all of the above but it seems to be all falling into place. The strange thing is that I really have changed so little. We did do some work on dialing in the delay clusters but even that was not drastic alteration. Anyway, each show I am enjoying more than the last and tomorrow is the grand finally!

D Rat


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Bob Howes on :

Since comments on your tour blog seem to be few and far between, I thought I'd just drop in and let you know how much I've enjoyed reading about your adventures. Your notes are the perfect mix of humour, chat and techical background; this whole blog should be required reading for anybody who wants to work on a big tour. Nah, I'm not brownnosing. I'm a semi-retired grumpy old man whose mixing exploits tend to be corporate events or small time theatre done on a DM1000 or PM-5D. ...Still, I enjoyed the luxury of your dual v-DOSC rig though! Thanks again for the weeks of entertainment! Bob

Dave Rat on :

Thank you Bob!!

Cam Tardi on :

Those look an awful lot like hotel towels to me! :)

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