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Category: Facebook
The 5 living presidents that have guided this country for a combined 32 years unanimously oppose Trump
The 5 living presidents that have guided this country for a combined 32 years unanimously oppose Trump, how much clearer can it be? How foolish can one be to be blind to the wisdom of those that have already navigated the path? If anyone could or would have the knowledge and understanding of whether Trump is a bad decision and whether Hillary is a safe decision, these 5 humans are the ones to know.
by Dave Rat
September 30, 2016 at 05:51AM
from Facebook
I believe in honest ethical treatment of people
I believe in honest ethical treatment of people. I believe in compassion towards those in need and accountability held against promises made. I believe in hard work towards your goals rewarded. And free rides denied. I believe that sharing successes with less fortunate is enjoyable as is deeply appreciating a helping hand while in distress. Am I to be labeled a liberal? Am I a conservative? Am I just a person that finds a balance between selfish and selfless? What am i?
by Dave Rat
September 27, 2016 at 06:54PM
from Facebook
On November 8 the United States will take an IQ test
On November 8 the United States will take an IQ test that will define the collective intelligence of the American voter. intelligence [in-tel-i-juh ns] noun 1. capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.
by Dave Rat
September 27, 2016 at 12:35AM
from Facebook
Here is a picture I took 2 weeks ago at the Berlin Wall
Here is a picture I took 2 weeks ago at the Berlin Wall. It is a crew awaiting the next flock of tourist to scam in a con game called “the shell game” . The guy pointing at me is the one that moves the shells, the 4 people in front pretend to be bystanders winning money, the two against the wall are lookouts. So I have explained all this and it is a fairly obvious and transparent scam that takes money from the naive and foolish humans. Now that you have this info you are faced with a choice. Should you encounter a similar situation do you play and believe you will win or do you avoid as you are aware it is a con? This is very similar to what we see with Trump, he is a con, it is clear and obvious. What puzzles the mind is why do Trump supporters dive head first into playing the shell game?
by Dave Rat
September 23, 2016 at 07:06PM
from Facebook
A pub in Nottingham has put Donald Trump’s face in a urinal
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Rookie ยป Under the Microscope
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